Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Congratulations on a Successful Year
May 5, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As this academic year concludes with final exams this week, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in our campus community for your extraordinary commitment and engagement during this incredibly challenging year. I am impressed, humbled, and inspired by the courage and resilience I have witnessed across our university.
As we look to the future, I am excited and encouraged that we have so much to look forward to. First and foremost, we are delighted that in-person Commencement will be returning to the Coliseum on June 18. What a wonderful opportunity this will be to formally celebrate graduates of the Class of 2020 and the Class of 2021 from both Purdue Fort Wayne and Indiana im体育 Fort Wayne.
In addition to ensuring that we bring a satisfying conclusion to the current academic year, many of us have been busy preparing for what’s next—fall recruitment, New Student Orientation, summer sessions, and, ultimately, the anticipated full reopening of campus in August. We will continue to keep you informed over the summer.
Now that vaccines are widely available and anyone in Indiana over age 16 is eligible, you are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated. On-campus vaccinations will be available again on May 18 and 19, and we plan to have them available early this fall, as well. The university has also launched a new, voluntary vaccine self-reporting program. We hope you will take a moment to let us know if you have been vaccinated.
I wish each of you a great summer. For our students who are graduating, we applaud you. You made it! Please know that our pride in your accomplishments and our enthusiasm for your continued success know no boundaries. We wish you every success as you take this next giant step.
Ron Elsenbaumer