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Archived Message

Office of the Chancellor


Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

January 28, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, Eric Norman, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, recently announced that he would be leaving the university to accept a leadership position at Austin Peay State im体育.

With his departure this past Friday, we have an immediate need for interim leadership for the Student Affairs division during a critical period of focus on student recruitment and retention—and an overarching emphasis on significantly improving the student experience at Purdue Fort Wayne.

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Kristina Creager, currently Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Success, has agreed to serve as Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, reporting directly to me and effective immediately.

Krissy brings a wealth of talent and experience to the position, and she will create an essential bridge that connects enrollment management, student success, student services, and student affairs—all of which contribute to the overall student experience. She has an extensive background and education that relate directly to this role, and she will be able to hit the ground running.

Additionally, Krissy has shown extraordinary leadership as cochair, along with Jeff Malanson, of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee. She will continue to serve in that role as the plan evolves and reaches completion during the coming months.

We will begin a national search for a permanent Vice Chancellor in the near future. 

Please join me in congratulating Krissy on this appointment. Thank you in advance for supporting her as she transitions into this new role.


Ron Elsenbaumer