Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Update on Campus Planning, Instruction, and Operations
May 28, 2020
Dear Campus Community,
Our planning for current and future campus operations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues on numerous fronts, and I’d like to share some important information with you.
As you know, 18 university task forces have been evaluating operational challenges and opportunities during the past several weeks. These task forces have submitted their findings, which the senior leadership team will begin to review this week. We thank those of you who participated in the virtual town hall yesterday for an update and discussion regarding the important progress that’s being made.
We are working hard to plan for Purdue Fort Wayne to be open to welcome students to campus in person for the fall semester. We continue to assess the impact of doing so and expect to have more concrete information and decisions regarding our fall semester plans, protocols, and operations by mid-June. As announced last week, a university-wide committee, PFW Prepared, is developing a readiness plan for the physical infrastructure that will need to be in place to begin the fall semester while ensuring safety and security for our campus community.
Meanwhile, this is no time to let down our guard. The following are important decisions and guidelines that we will adhere to for the coming weeks:
- Remote Working: All employees who are able to work remotely should continue to do so through the end of July. Many areas of the university will begin bringing faculty and staff back to campus on August 3 to prepare for fall semester. Some staff who are not engaged in academic activities or student support services can continue to work remotely after August 1. Administrative and academic unit leaders continue to have the responsibility for making decisions regarding work schedules and arrangements.
- Face Masks: In accordance with CDC guidance, anyone inside a Purdue Fort Wayne building is now required to wear a face mask. Please plan to have a face mask with you at all times when on campus so that you can adhere to this new protocol.
- Summer Sessions: The majority of classes for the second summer session, which begins on June 29, will be conducted online. A limited number of faculty, staff, and students are aware that they will be on campus during the second summer session to participate in modified labs, studios, and field activities. Strict health and safety protocols will be observed. A reminder that all classes for the first summer session, which began on May 18, are being conducted online.
- Campus Buildings: Some campus buildings will continue to have restricted access through the end of July. Buildings housing labs, studios, and other instructional needs for the second summer session will be open to those faculty, students, and staff who require them. The Walb Student Union continues to remain open but with reduced hours. The Mastodon Campus Bookstore will reopen on July 1. A grab-and-go food service option will also be available on July 1.
- Helmke Library and Labs: Helmke Library, including the computer labs, will be open beginning on July 1 for students participating in second summer session. Appropriate social-distancing protocols will be instituted.
- Athletics: A limited number of student-athletes on the men’s and women’s basketball teams will have access to campus training facilities beginning on July 1, in accordance with recent NCAA guidelines. Coaches are currently working on logistics and will communicate directly with the student-athletes.
- Events: All campus events, tours, and visits continue to be canceled or postponed through the end of July.
- Summer Camps: All summer camps are canceled through the end of July.
- Housing: Student Housing continues to be open for those students who require housing over the summer. Strict protocols remain in place for social distancing, gatherings, and visitors.
The health and safety of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors remains our top priority and continues to be central to our decision-making. We will strictly adhere to public health protocols issued by local, state, and federal agencies, including best practices for social distancing, personal protection, and gatherings.
We will continue to keep you informed regarding the status of the university through these periodic messages from me; messages from other administrators; and twice-weekly email distribution of Inside Purdue Fort Wayne to all students, faculty, and staff. The latest news and information will always be posted on the university’s comprehensive COVID-19 website.
Thank you for your continued collaboration, flexibility, and support as we determine next steps and make critical decisions. I am so proud of the strength and resolve our campus community is exhibiting each and every day.
Ron Elsenbaumer